I hope that at this very busy time of year, you stop and
THANK the Lord for all he has done and continues to do in your life. If it weren't for the grace of God we would all be lost and headed for an eternity of pain in hell. Thanks be to God that he sent his only son so that we could have something to be thankful for on this glorious day.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalms 100 : 4
I plan to come back tonight and blog about Henry's HALF YEAR birthday but I wanted to share a little from our Richardson family Thanksgiving a few days ago.
We decided to have a family Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday but it was proceeded by a funeral of a very dear lady from my home church. I would like to share a little of my thoughts during her funeral.
She taught Sunday School for as long as I can remember and was very involved in mission work. In fact, she was telling us about a particular missionary when I decided I needed the Lord, just like those people the missionaries were talking to. As I was sitting there listening to her pastor tell of all the wonderful things she had done and how much of herself she poured into others, I realized just how true it was. The preacher at a funeral generally tries to comfort the family and friends by expounding upon the good qualities of the deceased. If anything, he barely scratched the surface. Mrs. Georgia was a great lady and will be sorely missed. I have no doubt that she is having the best Thanksgiving Feast ever with her Heavenly Father.
Her funeral also caused me to think about the legacy we leave behind.
Will I be known as the grandmother that sat in the back with the kids and read stories just so I could be with them?
Will be remembered as the Mom that always welcomed my children's friends with open arms and an open pantry?
Will I be remembered as the wonderful lady whom on my death bed, was more concerned about others and making them comfortable than I am about my own infirmities?
It's definitely something to ponder on this holiday and every day. Our day to day actions speak much louder than what goes on during a few special days. We are remembered for the everyday - not just the 'special'.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program . . .
While Mimi, Granddaddy, Aunt Robin and I were at the funeral. Daddy and Uncle Billy stayed behind with the kids. When we returned this is what we found. The dads had no idea that the kiddos had been sneaking cookies. In fact, they didn't believe it happened at first but you can't really argue with cookies in the floor. :)
Finally, everything is ready and Uncle Justin brings on the turkey. Since it was such a nice day, we decided to dine outside. I don't believe we've ever done that before.
The hungry masses. :)
My little turkey with his turkey. Ben can be fickle. He picked at most of his food (could it be he had too many cookies) but gobbled up the turkey.
As soon as I said I wanted a picture, Griffin shoved another bite in his mouth. I included it anyway because I think it shows the 'cut-up' part of his personality.
The Stains enjoying their meal. Raegen is talking so well know. He cracks me up. He calls Billy 'Dad' most of the time. We went for a little drive and Robin was giving Billy directions. Parrot Rae-Rae was in the back saying "Turn weft, Dad" . It cracked me up.
Ty would not sit up and act right. Aunt Kristen should have bonked him over the head. ;) It was a little cool for Izzy to join us outdoors so Mimi sat inside with her.
The first Witcher boy I fell for and the last.
The seven grandkids - Back Row: Madisyn (8) holding Izzy (3 weeks) and Ty (7) holding Henry (6 months). Front: Ben (2), Raegen (2), and Griffin (4).
I will praise the name of God with a song,
and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30