Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Walgreens Deals - 2/20
Monday, February 21, 2011
Amazon Mom
Amazon.com has a special program called Amazon Mom. Visit www.Amazon.com/Mom to get more information or sign-up.
Why do I love it?
#1 - It's free! Free is always a good price. All you have to do is sign up and you get free Prime membership for a few months. Prime membership gives you free two day shipping on any order from Amazon.
#2 - It saves money. Lots of products in the Baby store of Amazon are 15% off for Amazon Mom members. Every month that you spend $25 (before discounts) in the baby store earns another month of membership.
#3 - It's convenient. Not only can you get the 15% mom discount, but you can also sign up to receive automatic shipments of products you use frequently for another 15% off! No more remembering to pick up pull-ups, toilet paper or paper towels. AND the UPS man brings them to the door. I can also pick up anything Amazon carries and not worry about shipping.
The two main products I purchase are different kinds of pull-ups for overnight use. I get Goodnights that are normally $17 (plus tax) at WalMart are shipped to my door for $12.32. I order them two packages at a time and each order earns me another month of free shipping.
Be sure to sign up for a free subscription to Baby Talk Magazine { www.babytalk.com/subscribe }as Amazon publishes coupons for items in the baby store. I was able to use last month's coupon and get two packages of Goodnights for $7.32!
I have also found that paper towels can be delivered for less than I can purchase them at local stores.
I don't get anything for referring anyone to Amazon. I just wanted to share. If we used disposable diapers, it would be an even better deal.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Snow Fun!
He continued to cry frantically until his clothes were changed and he was snuggled under his blanket for a nap. I think he's beginning to doubt the sanity of his siblings. He certainly didn't find the appeal of being cold and wet when there was a perfectly dry and warm bed inside.
The snow was dry and didn't pack well. Several attempts were made at making a snowman but they couldn't get much of a ball started.
Ty was determined and even removed his gloves to try to help melt the snow a bit to help it stick together but he didn't get far.
It wouldn't pack for snowballs either but that didn't stop snow from flying. It was just handfuls of snow instead of balls.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Fly on the Wall - Ben Edition
Ben: I wanna ask you something.
Me: Ok, ask away.
Ben: I wanna ask you this - Why did we get a new stove?
Me: Because the old one broke.
Ben: Why did it break?
Me: I don't know, I guess it was old and just quit working right.
Ben: I bought that stove.
Me: Yes, you helped Mommy and Daddy pick it out, didn't you?
Ben: Yep, we went to Wowe's (Lowe's) and bought it. It was when the kids spent the night with Papaw. (Madisyn, Ty, and Griffin spent the night when they went to get Skeeter which was the same weekend we bought the stove.)
Ben: I remember. Me and Wenwe (Henry) went to Wowe's but the kids didn't get to go. They had to stay at Papaw's.
It cracks me up the way he refers to his older siblings as "the kids".
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mary Claire's First Bottle
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Mamaw comes to town
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sister, Sister
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Walgreens Deals 2/11
I have Madisyn with me so sometimes I have her check out separately so I can get more of the things I really want. The above was what I bought. 2 Colgate toothpastes, 2 tubes of Ritz Crackers, Cranberry juice, Lysol automatic soap dispenser, Gummy bears {shopping with the 3 middle boys leads to impulse buys ;-)}, 2 Halls cough drops {all they had}, Hand sanitizer, and 2 Hershey's drops {which are really good LOL} .
Total out of pocket ~ $3.98 . Total saved ~ $45.36!
Second Transaction
This was Madisyn's. I try to make her transaction simpler with less coupons. She purchased 2 Hershey's drops, 2 bags Planter's trail mix, Hand Sanitizer, Cranberry Juice, and 3 Halls Cough Drops.
Total out of pocket ~ $4.12. Total saved ~ $28.95.
It takes quite a bit of planning to figure out what to buy as there are several "rules". They were out of a few of the things I wanted so I had to recalculate in the store and that is getting easier. Between the two transactions I earned $23 in Register rewards which are like additional coupons that come off my total after store and manufacturer coupons.
In past weeks I have purchased shampoo, razors, Arnica, Nyquil, Kleenex, etc. Once I build my coupon stash up a little more, I should be able to get even better deals.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Saddlin' Up Skeeter
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Photo Shoot
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Mary Claire's First Real Bath
Christmas at Home
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Mary Claire you are TWO months old!
You are 21 and 3/4 inches long.
Your head is 39 cm.
You started smiling around 6.5 weeks.
You also have a cute grin.
You really like your swing and hang out in it next to the table during school time.
You love to be wrapped, despite strangers concerns that you can't breathe in there. ;-)
You are currently experiencing your 2nd cold. I'm not sure if you caught another or just didn't quite get over the first one. This time has been much worse and had us concerned about your breathing. Thankfully, your lungs were clear.
You have had two bottles. Mommy is taking a serger class on Tuesday nights so you've spent a couple of hours away from Mommy both weeks.
You are a very content baby and rarely cry. In fact, when you do cry it always takes me a second to realize that it's not coming from the radio or something.