Sunday, February 3, 2013

Liberty Kate you are . . . .

9 Months Old!
You weigh 15 lbs 9 oz.
You are 26.5 inches long.
You wear clothing that ranges from 3-6 month to 9 month.
You sit up extremely well. In fact, we came in and found you sitting in the crib one day after nap.
You get on all fours and rock. You can scoot backwards but haven't figured out forward motion.
Your hair seems to be quite curly. By the end of the day you have rubbed most of the curl straight but you have body.
Your eyebrows and eyelashes are still very red. Your hair color is a frequent topic of conversation.

You are always smiling and almost never cry.
You had your first ear infection and it was a doozy.
You had a reaction to Amoxicillin but we aren't sure that it's a true allergy.
You sleep 11 - 12 hours at night. Then you take a 2 hour morning nap, most mornings. In the afternoon you sleep for another 2-3 hours.
Your brothers and sisters beg to hold you all the time.
You enjoy hanging out in your megasaucer while we do school.

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