Monday, August 31, 2009
4-H Craft Day
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I'm a big brother/ sister
Henry's I'm the Baby Brother shirt.
Ty was The Biggest Brother
This was Griffin's I'm a Bigger Brother shirt. I thought the hat suited him.
Last but not least, Ben's 1st I'm a Big Brother shirt.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fly on the Wall
Earlier this week Ty couldn't find his toothbrush. After searching long and hard (I believe the official time was 43 seconds but to a 6 yo boy that's like 3 weeks ;). ), it was determined that the toothbrush jumped out of the drawer and ran away in the night. Griffin being the kind soul he is offered to let Ty use his brush when he was done. After several statements of "Hurry up, Griffin" control of the toothbrush was given to Ty. As Tyler reached for the drawer to get more toothpaste, Griffin said "You don't need that, it already has toothpaste on it.". LOL While he was willing to use Griffin's toothbrush, Ty was unwilling to use his leftover toothpaste. Griffin shrugged his shoulders and walked away with the smirk that I believe will make him famous one day.
This morning Ben was having a rough day and was pitching a little fit. Fits are not tolerated around here so he was disciplined. For some reason this made him mad at Madisyn and he began shouting at her to do something for him (I forget what exactly). I very sternly told him "You are not a little prince". Griffin piped up very quickly with "Ya but me are".
That boy is something else!
Lunch at the Park
Madisyn really liked her watermelon.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Let's go to the beach!
This was our first swimming trip of the year (and so far the only :( ).
Mom and Dad joined us along with Raegen and Aunt Robin. Dad fixed us up with a beach tarp and umbrellas.
Henry and Granddaddy chillin in the shade.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Henry is 3 months old!
You weigh 13 lbs. 5 oz (37th percentile).

You are "talking" to us when you grin, so sweet.
You are laughing now.

Your hair stands up down the middle and is sparse on the sides. You have "faux hawk" and it always generates lots of attention.
You had your first cold, complete with fever.
You wear size 0-3 month clothes.
You still wear an XS diaper cover.

You travelled to Fayetteville. 5 hours in the car didn't seem to bother you.
You attended your first wedding.

You are a very sweet boy. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
You get a line and I'll get a pole
One of the activities we discovered this summer is fishing. We had intentions in the past but never quite got around to it.
There was a fishing derby held at Miller's Pond outside of Augusta and we decided to join in the fun. We didn't want to participate in the fishing for prizes portion but had a great time just catching what we could.
I thought the boys were awful cute fishing in their overalls.
Ty and Madisyn both caught several fish though I think Madisyn caught more. The pond had been stocked with good sized catfish. I wish I would have take a picture of the grown men that were struggling to carry the stringers of fish that their children caught. It was unreal!
Monday, August 24, 2009
That's what sisters are for!
I love how willing she is to play "baby" games to make him happy.
Who needs fancy equipment when you have an adoring sister and a laundry basket?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Our Church
(Take # 980847092375 - this was the last picture and the best. Don't you love the look on Griffin's face! LOL)
A dear sweet lady from our church recently moved to be closer to her children. We all miss her greatly, and knew that she missed us as well. I wanted to give her something to remember us by so I gathered up families for several weeks and took their pictures. I also grabbed a few candid shots. I then put these all in a scrapbook and gave it to her at Uncle Scott's Wedding (more on that later). Unfortunately, I didn't get pics of the scrapbook but here is a couple of the shots that were included.
(A few of the kids after church. Swinging around that pole has been done since the church was built.)