Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hooded Towels

A couple of weeks ago a client contacted me about making a hooded towel. Her son had a hooded towel that he absolutely loved. Jessica took measurements and pictures and sent the info on to me. Wade loves trains so it seemed fitting to embellish the towel with and engine.

I made a few improvements over the first one. Jessica is getting a new nephew in a few weeks, so towel #2 is for him.

The towel works well for babies through pre-schoolers.

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  1. Those ARE Cute.

    Hey -- I love how your blog matches your family picture colors.


  2. I received one of those as a baby gift shortly after my first DD was born...she's 7 and we *still* use that towel - either for her or one of her siblings. LOVE those kinds of towels!
