One of our favorite family activities is attending auctions. We love going to charity auctions. The generosity of local people never ceases to amaze me. We've attended auctions to raise money for people fighting cancer and seen cakes and pies raise over $15,000!

The Fair Oaks Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry and Auction is one of our favorites! Our family particularly enjoys it because it benefits our fire department plus the fish is always really good! LOL

Kenneth, Kent and Kirk donate their bid calling services, local business and individuals provide all the loot and a great time is had by everyone in attendance.

This year the kids were given goody bags and they had a blast playing with the stuffed bears, filling out the fire safety workbooks and visiting with the other kids.

I think we only "lost" Ben half a dozen times so either he's getting better at staying where he is supposed to or we're getting better at keeping up with him. LOL

Griffin's new thing is workbooks. He loves to get a pencil and do his "books". He has some that Nana bought him and he's always wanting to add more to the pile.

I thought all my little firemen hanging on the scaffolding was too cute. Unfortunately, Griffin walked away before I could get the camera ready. They all want to do exactly what Papaw is doing.

This little booger fought sleep the whole auction. He would doze off and if I so much as took a breathe he was wide awake again.
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